Monday, August 14, 2006

The Pride That Wenteth After A Fall

WARNING! This post contains adult oriented subject matter that some people may find offensive. If you are under the age of 18, or if you have very delicate sensibilities, it is suggested that you read no further.

The genesis of this post might be thought of as a reaction to a reaction.
My friend Dr O2 created a post, to which my friend Nyx responded with a post of her own, which I, in turn, then responded too. Interesting cause and effect (but not an unusual occurrence in the blogosphere, I think)! :) My response was triggered by a picture of Michelangelo's sculpture of David that Nyx posted. I mentioned to her that I had written a bawdy little story about The David a couple of years ago. Nyx then asked if she could read it. Her positive response has encouraged me to share the story more publicly in a post.

In case you have not seen a full length picture of the famous statue of David,
please allow me to direct your attention to this link that also contains some interesting historical trivia about the sculpture (Note: this picture shows the Full Monty...well considering the subject, most of the Monty seems to be missing!). Happy viewing! :D

Actually, the following is not exactly a story, but rather excerpts from a series of emails that I exchanged with a good friend a couple of years ago. I include a brief excerpt of hers because it gives important context to the story. Well, the stage is set, so lets get started!

Me (written to my friend):

When I was in High School, I went on a tour of Italy with my Latin teacher. While there, I saw several of Michelangelo's marble statues. His seated figure of Moses was amazing in its smoothly polished detail. Right down to the veins in Moses's arms. But I was most impressed with his David statue. It was a colossus, 16 feet tall and totally nude. I'll bet that thousands of women in the past 500 years have fainted at the sight of the endowment on that statue! I have read that Michelangelo was gay, and that The David is an image of his young lover (admittedly, this is a controversial interpretation). Well, I think that may very well be possible. The statue of David is like eroticism incarnate. It just shouts youth, vitality, virility! It is, by far, the most impressive work of art that I have ever seen.

My friend:

I've never been to Italy, but that's one of the places I would love to visit, and now with your description of the statue of David its a must see. As far as David is concerned though, I've seen pictures of the statue but I don't recall him being well endowed. As a matter of fact, I was surprised that a big boy like him is depicted as a baby in his genitalia. But then, I think it would've been awkward if Michelangelo had made the statue with something coming down to his knees. Then, it would've been known as The God of Pornographia!


After I first read your email today regarding The David's economical assets, I began to wonder if my imagination over the years had stretched The David's endowment. So, I started to look for a picture of the statue. I found one, and sure enough, The David has a very tiny protuberance, quite out of scale with the size of his hands. However, his two well rounded companions appear to be of normal size. Ah well, the truth can sometimes be deflating. I'm wondering if Michelangelo, upon completing The David, stepped back from his masterpiece and thought to himself, "Now, my David's nose is not quite right. I had better get up there and adjust it." As he carefully climbed his ladder, hammer and chisel in hand, he neared the top and suddenly his sandal slipped on an upper rung. Momentarily off balance, he instinctively opened his hand to grab the ladder's rail. For a second, it was as if time was standing still. As slowly as thick molasses, the hammer and chisel descended. Michelangelo's head slowly revolved and pivoted downward, his eyes widened, and his mouth opened. The flow of time suddenly returning to normal, the hard steel of the hammer's head impacted squarely upon The David's mighty endowment, severing it cleanly near the base. Michelangelo's open mouth suddenly expelled the words, "Oh my lord Jesus!", as The David's gigantic smoothly polished white marble pride impacted the stone floor and shattered into a thousand little shards. Slowly descending the ladder, with tears welling in his eyes, Michelangelo, the greatest sculptor the world had yet seen, reached out and tenderly scooped the remnants of his David's magnificent manhood into his hands. "Ah well", he said, "David did not slay the mighty Goliath by knowing him to death! May God forgive my arrogance. I shall forthwith refashion the nub like unto that of a male child, that the world and the future may understand the magnitude of the triumph of a boy with naught but a sling and a small stone to defend the honor of a nation!"

Well, that's the story folks. I hope you have enjoyed it! :) Now, before you ask me if this really happened, let me say that what you have just read is a total flight of fancy from my imagination. However, Michelangelo was a very astute observer of the human form. His statue of David is not a representation of a boy. The figure certainly has the musculature of an adult man, while his hands and feet seem acromegalically (try saying that three times really fast :) ) oversized! Yet, there is a profound absence of manliness where one would expect such to be. Perhaps there was a defect in the marble, or maybe the master sculptor did indeed have one of the most stupendous accidents in all of art history! ;)


Blogger Dr O2 said...

Poor David the statue!! I will remember to take him a gigantic football shorts to spare his blushes & others staring loks!!

Well maybe his performance was exceptionally well?

8/14/2006 12:00 PM  
Blogger A. Damluji said...

i once read a dr. Ruth book about "knowing people", a really comprehensive work.. Sex for Dummies, i think it was titled..

anyway, one of the things that stuck to my mind (naturally, for a male looking to assert his feeling of self-worth) is the fact that the size of a flaccid "pride" has no relation whatsover to its fully-erect size..

maybe so?

anyway, it is a monument to the fact that its not the size that matters, its what u do with it!

:)) i loved this post!
sorry for being so late.. can i add u to my list?

8/14/2006 8:29 PM  
Blogger A. Damluji said...

Sex for Dummies

8/14/2006 8:37 PM  
Blogger David said...

Omid, your idea of gigantic football shorts is great! What a prank it would be if some Florentinian youths pulled off a stunt like that! :D Actually, it is not a new idea to cover The David's embarrasing lack of "pride". The link to the picture and history of the statue talks about a time when the statue was forced to wear a girdle of metal fig leaves! Such prudes!! :)

Hello Anarki, I think that you and Dr O2 are thinking along the same lines! :) Of course, you and Dr. Ruth are right about the lack of relation between an Un-Jolly Roger and an Ecstatic John Thomas. ;) I have heard the "size doesn't matter" thing before, but I wonder what Dr. Ruth has to say on that topic? Well, I think it is probably true that men are more worried about size than women. Anyway, I'm glad you loved the post! :) Certainly, you can add me to your list, but only if I can add you to mine! :)

8/15/2006 2:48 AM  
Blogger jarvenpa said...

Yes, when I saw the statue in the marble, so to speak, I did kind of think, decorative bits--were a bit small. But I was really more taken with the nice curls on his head, and the whole dizzying experience of being in Italy in the late spring with a very nice traveling companion.
Your "explanation" made me laugh, thanks.

8/17/2006 3:58 AM  
Blogger David said...

Jarvenpa, you are welcome. I do like to make people laugh. :) I seem to have reminded you of a memorable (are you still dizzy? ;) ) experience. Perhaps it is a memory worth writing about?

8/18/2006 1:59 AM  
Blogger Spooky Witch said...

David, this post was just so great, bashing the poor Michelangelo. I am into nude art and I also think the human body is one of the most beautiful things on the earth. I assume female body is one real unique master piece of the whole creation.
It is pity those days people couldn't enjoy privilege of using Prozac or Viagra or even Pe**is enlargement! That model for David's statue could have used it.
I am not sure if the size has something to do with the function but people like BIG things more.

8/21/2006 7:18 AM  
Blogger David said...

Ah, finally I can read my comments again! Grrrrr @ Blogger!!

Dear PreciousBabe,
Thanks for visiting my blog again and for helping me to understand your post. :)

Hi Newsha, I am glad that you are happy now! :) I do not know Shirin Neshat, but I will look her up. Sorry that things didn't go well with the really nice person that you met. However, I am sure that you will meet an even nicer person! :)

Thanks Spooky! :) I agree with you that the female body is quite a master work! Isn't it interesting how the standards of beauty have changed over time, though? A few hundred years ago, large women were considered the most beautiful. Today, very thin super models are considered the gold standard. Well, I think that some of those girls are just too thin and it is so unhealthy for young girls to try and emulate them! Maybe you are right, the model for The David could have benefited from some Viagra (of course, this assumes the non-accident theory is correct. ;) )! I think that Dr. Ruth might like to hear your opinions about BIG things! :D

Hello S.O.Mebody, thanks for visiting. Your additional points are very interesting! I suspect that the fig leaf is used when Queen Elizabeth visits the plaster statues. She seems rather uptight to me! I didn't know that Michelangelo depicted all his male figures with miniscule endowments. Maybe he was attracted to boys. If he lived today, he might find himself in jail for pedophilia! I have seen the Sistine Chapel. It is an incredible work of art (and to think that Michelangelo didn't like to paint!)! I am really glad that the Dutchman didn't live long enough to destroy it!

8/22/2006 10:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear David,
The thing about miniscle things, in two dimensional depictions of the male on the part of Italian artists of the sixteenth century, was that it was a form of self-cencorship. Extreemly widespread.
Have a look at this image:

It is of a print by Caraglio, after a presentation drawing made by ROSSO FIORENTINO, THAT HE GAVE TO KING FRANCIS I of France. The drawing still exists in the Louvre, but I could not find it on the web. The Caraglio print is a very accurate representation of all the proportions of all the figures. Poor Mars, the man being helped out of his clothes, so that he can all the better greet Venus, THE LADY ON THE BED, has endounments of similar size to the boy Cupid next to him.
Rosso Fiorentino was, I beleive, satirizing the artistic conventions of his day. His friend and colleague Giulio Romano, had got himself into deep do-do, in Rome around 1525, when he made prints suggesting that not all men were that small (THERE WAS A LITTLE BIT MORE TO IT THAN THAT)

What Rosso Fiorentino, wanted from King Francis I, was a job, as Court painter, and a lot of mula. So this drawing was his way of introducing himself. Now if you look at portraits of Francis I, HE HAD AN ENORMOUS NOSE, and quite a reputation. So I believe, that this drawing, where propOrtions were reduced to an absurd degree, was done for the amusement of the Monarch, and was a form of indirect flattery.


8/23/2006 8:02 AM  
Blogger Nirvana said...

Toye inhame safheye weblog belakhare yekio peyda kardam ke safhash mesle man bashe tabrik migam be salighamon;)

8/27/2006 7:42 AM  
Blogger David said...

Hello Nirvana, thanks for visiting, but I am sorry, English is my only language. I have a number of Iranian blogging friends and I have learned a few Persian words, but I do not recognize any of the words you wrote. Please come again and comment in English if you can. Thanks!

8/28/2006 5:58 PM  
Blogger David said...

Hello again S.O.Mebody,
Sorry, didn't mean to ignore you. Well, you seem to be quite knowledgeable about art history, indeed far more so than I. Are you a professor of the subject? It is nice to have such an educated commentary here. I didn't know that Michelangelo had to work around someone elses blunder with the block of marble to make The David! Thanks for your effort! :)

8/28/2006 6:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

by the way,
i am not being unfriendly when not going into personal details, it is just that i
say a lot of things in a lot of places, some of which could displease some people. s.omebody

9/03/2006 4:45 PM  
Blogger Dr O2 said...

yeah I saw a david photo with jeans on!!! :-)

Yet the guy is famous for many things but his size(not that it matters) & well that is just a statue which shows no sign of performance :">

9/06/2006 4:05 AM  
Blogger David said...

Omid, I just thought of one hell of a Candid Camera episode. Rig The David with an inflatible extension. When an old lady walks by for a look, hit the button, then capture her shocked reaction! :D

9/06/2006 12:56 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Dear David, I became redirected to your English blog by the link of one persian blog, it seems that they filtered your blog in some cities of Iran, although I can access it truely via my governmental Internet service from Rasht.
Let's introduce you my English Blog that is being updated frequently, I write about various political issues of Iran and often the common international subjects in, and maybe you will take an even short visit from it... It would be so grateful for me to host you as my honorable addressee... But before all, let's confess that I am aware about my weak English linguistic knowledge and I have not any arrogation about the grammatic correction of my writings, so please don't laugh at me if I write pretty childish !
by the way, lets give you the suggestion of link exchanging, maybe you agree!

9/26/2006 3:12 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Dear David, thanks for your kind tendency and consideration.
It is one of my greatest childhood wishes to come US for studying journalistic sciences... For example the professional Poyenter school would be an ideal place to improve and enhance my knowledge, but It was never an oppertunity for me... maybe you can help me, in the other world, of course you can help me and it regards to your willingness and desire! For example, introducing my weblog by you, would be great on this way... Anyhow, It is honorable for me to be in touch with you, by the way, lets tell that I was selected to moderate a weekly column in WashingtonPost... thanks a lot

9/27/2006 12:31 PM  
Blogger Dr O2 said...

David perhaps we will be the only shocked ones with our own scheme ;-) it is hard to surprise the experienced ;-)

9/27/2006 12:43 PM  
Blogger David said...

Kourosh, thanks for your visits to my blog. I enjoyed visiting yours, as well. Some of my Iranian friends are here in the U.S. in various graduate schools. I hope you will be able to fulfill your wish to study here! I would be happy to give your blog an introduction to my guests in my next post (which is coming soon). :)

Omid, I am a bit confused! Can you please explain to your sometimes dim whitted friend what you are talking about? ;)

9/28/2006 12:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a theory that the resurrected Christ is depicted in art with an erect penis. You can certainly persuade any class to stare at paintings of the risen christ to check for this. I don't know what the record is in terms of minutes spent trying to look for the erection. Reminds me a bit of poor ol George Clooney on Solaris, he thought he was engaging in a complex high powered sci-fi classic that challenge the whole post-modernist etc and all he would get questioned about was that scene with his naked bottom in it (very classical and michelangelic though I must say far better than a Wisden centrefold). I say. You aren't even the least bit embarrassed and that is the true legacy of Benjamin Franklin. If you didn't also have nuclear weapons and an beligerent foreign policy with designs on world domination hmmph it would quite sweet. It's always the ignorant uncultured barbarians with better weapons of war wot destroys civilisations.

No of course you dont obsess over penis size in art, it's all post modernist ironic fay erstatz neopragmatic, blush away sir, and so you should, you are a common ignorant barbarian philistine who thinks he has some education and sophistication and is then pretending to have the confidence to talk like a wanker. You are an American. I am not that old but i remember when you were the good guys. You remember that scene in LOTRII, the elfs and the old alliance yeah that's meant to be you.

Though there was a piece of research done on whether men now dressed more to the left or to the right compared with the statue of david apparently if you say it has to do with the discontinuity with the unsynthesized manifold everyone nods.

Though as unitedstatesians go you seem fairly harmless.

12/06/2006 8:18 AM  

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